
Education and training


The National Museum of Mongolia is the first museum in Mongolia to encourage access to the museum and its collections to a broad and diverse audience, including the general public and school groups. The museum receives around 80 000 visitors a year, approximately half of whom are foreign tourists. The biggest museum audience is students and we have a strategic goals to be effective at marketing the museum to attract more visitors. 

From the year 2000 the National Museum of Mongolian History developed a new education policy thus realizing a new educational stage for the Mongolian Museum practice. Under this scheme the Museum initiated a challenging education project ‘Mongolian History Alive!’ We created many educational programs for children as Heros in 2006, and Mongolian traditional life. Museum educators, school teachers working together and by teaching children about their cultural heritage, we are making sure that Mongolians realize the value of cultural preservation.

The next following years a marketing program was initiated, for children aged 3-10 we opened the “Children’s Room”, which was made possible by a donation from the USA Embassy in 2004. The museum has implemented Family Tickets and Family Day when low priced tickets are available for family groups. In the “Children’s Education Room” replica costumes are available for children aged 3-5 and 5-16 years so that they can dress up and have their photograph taken. As part of the learning experience, the museum has made printed crossword puzzles for children aged 10-14 s and as for children aged 14-16 we are giving history lessons and activities in the exhibition hall.


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